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Biomimétisme & matériaux :
concevoir des outils d'interventions innovants et fiables

Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.

This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies. 

Pour faciliter les interventions chirurgicales, des chercheurs du MIT (États-Unis), ont conçu des "robots mous" ("soft robots"), inspirés des contorsionnistes du monde animal : le poulpe, parmi d’autres espèces, a inspiré la structure flexible de ces nouveaux robots.


Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.

This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies. 


Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.

This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies. 

Capture d’écran 2020-04-08 à

Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.

This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies. 

Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.

This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies. 


Biomimétisme & oncologie : améliorer les outils de diagnostic


Biomimétisme et matériaux : administrer grâce au micro-packaging


Biomimétisme & tribologie :
un duo technologique prometteur

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