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Analysis of the sector’s innovation potential

Explore a whole new universe of innovation through the living.

Bioxegy Biomimétisme

The rise of innovation through biomimicry:
the Da Vinci Index

Biomimicry continues to attract curiosity in the world of innovation, whether it is researchers, R&D engineers or even CSR departments,…

The Da Vinci Index, is an indicator developed by the Fermanian Business & Economic Institute in the United States, it quantifies innovation through biomimicry in the world, taking into account the number of scientific publications, patents and the amount of research funding in the field. The figures speak for themselves: between 2000 and 2019, the number of publications increased 10-fold globally (and 100-fold in China!), while the number of patents grew by +740% over the same period.

Bioxegy - Analyse du potentiel d’innovation du secteur-da vinci index

Evolution of the amount of biomimetic research papers from 1995 à 2018

Indian Institut of Technology Report

Building on its success, biomimicry now expresses its potential beyond the boundaries of the academic sphere. Indeed, it has been developing little by little since the 2010s, with renewed interest in 2020, in the R&D departments of many manufacturers - ranging from start-ups to multinationals, passing through the tissues of SMEs and ETIs.

Moreover, in collaboration with the R&D departments of large industrial groups, Bioxegy imagines, designs and develops cutting-edge bio-inspired technologies, adapted to the different technical challenges they encounter.

Discover the benefits of biomimicry in these different sectors of activity below:

The benefits of innovations through biomimicry for the environment

To answer to the constraints to which it is subject, the living must optimise its processes, mechanisms and structures. Over the course of evolution, the most efficient systems given the constraints of their environment have thrived and survived, leaving us with an inexhaustible source of inspiration and able to respond to most industrial issues encountered. There are many key elements in the success and potential of biomimicry for innovation.

In essence, living organisms tend to optimise all factors (weight-resistance ratio, energy cost, thermal regulation, multifunctionality, etc.) while the industry aims to maximise one or more defined parameters (rarity of a material, possibility of machining, etc.) to the detriment of others. We see, for example, that living things produce many different materials from very few chemical elements (CHNOPS: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur) assembled into complex structures while industrially, we find many simple structures but with many different chemical elements (the entire periodic table, including current issues with the use of rare earths). In this context, 3D printing has greatly contributed to the development of biomimicry by making it possible to intelligently develop structures inspired by life, that are more complex and material-saving. In short, the solutions developed by living organisms very frequently combine high performance, low production cost and multifunctionality.

Drawing on the wisdom and intelligence of living know-how and thus reconciling technological progress and sustainability, this is our vision at Bioxegy.

Biomimicry 3.8 was able to identify and transpose the major principles of life (these global strategic models found in the species that survive and thrive on Earth) into the principles of biomimicry. This outlines basic rules linked to biomimetic design and which allow biomimicry to be part of the principles of sustainable development established by the UN.


Biomimicry's principles by Biomimicry 3.8

According to a report from BIS Institute on biomimicry in 2018, in the United States, biomimicry would save a value of 50 billion dollars in terms of conserved resources and CO2 not emitted by 2025. In 2030, this could represent 500 billion dollars globally.

Innovation through biomimicry is already showing interesting results, in particular thanks to technologies making it possible to reduce the environmental impact or even to capture carbon, such as biomineralisation. It is precisely this mission that the European program CSTO2NE, which Bioxegy is apart of, leads to: a real interdisciplinary scientific collaboration project with the aim of identifying innovative and sustainable carbon absorption solutions, in particular through the formation of stable and resistant materials with important added value for the industry.

Biomimicry's innovation potential and its growth

As we have seen, biomimicry is a promising R&D and innovation method whose relevance to environmental issues and sustainable development is only reinforced. And it doesn’t stop there! Indeed, biomimicry is seen as a real lever for economic development in the coming years.

By 2030, biomimicry could represent nearly 425 billion dollars per year of America's GDP (or 1.8%) and 2 million jobs in the United States.

Bioxegy-Analyse du potentiel d’innovation du secteur

The predicted impact of bio-inspired innovation on employment in 2030 in the United States

In South Korea, according to the Journal of Ecological Economics, the local development of bio-inspired technologies will represent nearly 62 billion dollars and 650,000 new jobs by 2035, and almost 382 billion in 2050 (i.e. 18% of its GDP). A national policy, launched in 2019, encourages the R&D development of bio-inspired technologies and the training of tomorrow's biomimetic engineers.

The relevance of biomimicry and its potential growth is perceived by a growing number of countries, in particular by China whose government recently deployed substantial financial aid to support bio-inspired projects in the fields of design and architecture.  China's growth in biomimicry is therefore 10 times faster than average !


At the global level, the report of BIS Institute predicts that biomimicry could constitute trilllions of dollars of GDP, so more than half of the global automotive sector.


Confined to the development of strategies of highly industrialised countries, this potential for innovation could also be fully realised in developing countries where biomimicry today is still insufficiently considered and studied at its true value. Many countries in Latin America, Central Africa and South-East Asia, representing a large part of the world's biodiversity, have not yet fully exploited the potential of biomimicry, whose long-term economic and environmental benefits are estimated by the Journal of Ecological Economics.

Bioxegy - Analyse et potentiel du secteur - équipe projet.HEIC

Biomimicry: a vector of the 6th wave of innovation

After the digital revolution of the last 30 years, many researchers see biomimicry as a vector of the new technological and industrial revolution, it was also identified as one of the 8 vectors of the emergence of the sixth wave of innovation. In France, the CNRS (National Scientific Research Center) also mentionned biomimicry in its strategic priority areas in 2020.


Indeed, biomimicry is a promising field, given the number of disciplines involved and the diversity of subjects. Its heterogeneous nature also induces a plurality of solutions possible and conceivable, and just as many implementation methods. Its ability to respond intelligently to a very wide variety of technical issues therefore makes it a perfect candidate to support a world in the midst of change and whose constraints are increasing drastically from year to year.

Biomimicry's innovative potential
supports the development of Bioxegy

For 5 years, our company has been growing and developing. Indeed, from year to year our total revenue doubles while our confidence is affirmed with large industrial groups from around twenty sectors, implementing to date nearly 80 ambitious R&D projects. Our success is due to the development of unique expertise and methodologies in Europe as well as our motivationthoroughness and the diverse profiles on our team which has increased tenfold since its beginnings.


We discern relevant biological mechanisms capable of responding to the major industrial issues encountered by our partners, then transpose these principles to develop new biomimetic concepts whose maturity we are gradually increasing. The progressive feeding of our database, collecting to date nearly 1500 bio-inspired technologies, allows us to enrich our knowledge and become more efficient as our projects progress.

Our modus operandi at Bioxegy



Submission of the industrial challenge(s)

Our partner submits to us one or several industrial challenges, in the form of a specific problem (pain point), an incremental innovation need or a more prospective and broad issue.

Biomimetic Research & Investigations

Our teams conduct research to identify, study and select one or more Biological Reference System(s), candidate biological models likely to provide a solution to the challenge(s), complemented by a technological watch.



(Co-) Development of technological maturity

The Biomimetic Pre-Concept first takes the form 
of an outline project
(Minimum Viable Concept, 
TRL 1 to 3 on average). We then co-develop the biomimetic technology with our partners 
to reach TRL 6 (Proof-of-Concept / MVP).

Design of the bio-inspired technology

Our teams transpose the Biological System into an applicable and viable technological system: this is the design and developmental work of an applicative biomimetic technology, answering the initial challenge.

To learn more about our expertise :

Industrial partners are also more and more convinced by our approach and method. Their commitment is that much stronger when the projects present promising results. With a SMEs in the Construction field, we have filed a patent in 2022, while we multiply and diversify projects with large groups like Safran, Thales, Valeo and Airbus. 

Come and discover our other projects in more depth, below:


The potential of biomimicry as an R&D method and as an economic field is strong and the research results reveal their promise in an applied manner in the R&D departments of manufacturers. So, don’t wait any longer and jump in with us into this wonderful of innovative and technical adventure that is biomimicry.

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