Technical areas in biomimicry
Discover the potential of bio-inspired innovation for different technical and scientific fields!
Over the course of billions of years of evolution, nature has implemented specific and optimised solutions for very diverse problems. Faced with the diversity of these solutions, all branches of science are involved in the study and analysis of biomimetic processes. Physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and even engineering sciences are the branches used daily by biomimetic engineers. Within these broad areas of study, biomimicry has been identified as particularly relevant for a large number of different technical fields :

Functional materials
Vibrations (NVH)
Data management
Fluid mechanics
(Aero- and hydro-dynamics)
Systems design
(industrial design)
Other areas:
chemistry, optics,...
Like the great diversity of nature, these areas cover a very broad spectrum of science. Bioxegy experts are specialised in each of these technical fields, to respond in the most precise way to the issues and problems encountered by our customers, by drawing on their know-how in cutting-edge scientific research.
Below are presented different technical fields for which biomimetic innovation is a great asset. Each article answers the following questions: why is this field essential to the industry and human society? How can biomimicry be relevant for innovation in this field? What are the most evocative examples of biomimetic innovation to help us project the benefits of biomimicry? All the answers to these questions can be found in our articles!