A cleaning and protection device for autonomous vehicle cameras
Typical examples of Bioxegy projects
Biomimicry to equip the vehicles of the future
In the coming years, there will be more and more autonomous vehicles on our roads. They are equipped with cameras that detect and interpret the immediate environment using AI, in order to react to it (brake, avoid, prevent). A technical challenge on which our teams intervened in Phase 2 (Biomimetic Research & Design Study), after finishing Phase 1 (Pre-Seed Study).
Customer :
Confidential - Major French automotive supplier.

It is difficult to clean the surface of these cameras and protect them from dirt (loss of reliability of AI in detection).
Current solutions are unsatisfactory: excessive water consumption (100L/h!)

Bioxegy biologists have identified a particularly effective biological reference system (BRS): the nictitating membranes of camelids.
This is an effective third eyelid to evacuate and protect sand (located at eye level).

Our engineers then designed a bio-inspired mechatronic device for protecting and cleaning the cameras of autonomous vehicles, taking a model from the nictitating membrane of camelids.
Result: water consumption
10x lower!
Other biomimetic topics of interest
explored with the client
in Phase 1 (Pre-Study):
Chemical-free fastening system for interior coverings
Engine cooling system
Acoustics and vibrations in the passenger compartment
Lightweight design and 3D printing
Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.
This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies.
Biomimicry's potential is broad : it both frees the path to disruptive innovation and to brings incremental improvements.
It is an action powerhouse which allows to completely rethink a companie's value chain with fresh lenses and new prisms of analysis.
It also helps efficiently addressing specific challenges and issues and coming up with relevant solutions.
Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.
This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies.
Biomimicry's potential is broad : it both frees the path to disruptive innovation and to brings incremental improvements.
It is an action powerhouse which allows to completely rethink a companie's value chain with fresh lenses and new prisms of analysis.
It also helps efficiently addressing specific challenges and issues and coming up with relevant solutions.
Biomimicry is an approach which consists in drawing inspiration from nature's know-how in order to innovate. It aims at harvesting the intelligence of natural strategies and at transferring them to compagnies and human technologies.
This disruptive approach is a powerful lever for innovation and a real performance accelerator. It allows us to develop relevant, competitive and sustainable bioinspired solutions for companies.
Biomimicry's potential is broad : it both frees the path to disruptive innovation and to brings incremental improvements.
It is an action powerhouse which allows to completely rethink a companie's value chain with fresh lenses and new prisms of analysis.
It also helps efficiently addressing specific challenges and issues and coming up with relevant solutions.