Welcome to the Autumn 2024 issue of the Biox’News ! 🍂
We are about to sail into a world where innovation and nature become one, shaping the industrialized societies of tomorrow. This is Bioxegy’s daily mission. 🌏✨
However, this mission cannot be accomplished overnight. This story began almost 7 years ago for Bioxegy, and we would like for it to continue together. That is precisely what this newsletter is all about ! 🚀📚
✨ A message from Sidney Rostan, CEO & Founder of Bioxegy
Dear reader,
This summer, we attained major milestones that deserve to be celebrated. In this issue, I would like to reflect on some of these achievements that have made our team so proud !

For example, we passed a turning point is 100 bio-inspired R&D projects, a French and international record, which confirms our role as a leader in biomimicry. Our international expansion, particularly in Germany, has been successfully strengthened.
In terms of awards, it was with great pleasure that we received an honorable mention for the 2024 Public Work Prize alongside our partner NGE for our innovations in sustainable construction. We were also finalists in the Stellantis Venture Awards for our work bio-inspired algorithms !
But trophies are nothing without a golden team. In this newsletter, you will also discover the new talents we have recruited, including communications and strategic marketing profiles (a first for Bioxegy, whose aim is to stay as close as possible to its partners’ needs) !
Finally, you will discover how we are accelerating the development of our in-house bio-inspired technologies in order to respond more rapidly to our clients’ technological needs.
On behalf of the team, I would like to express my pride in seeing this adventure continue so dynamically. We would like to graciously thank all the people who have supported us and our clients for their trust. See you soon with new and exciting announcements !
📢 WHAT’S NEW: A look back on Bioxegy’s highlights in recent months !
🚀 Internationalization: lighting fast acceleration!
Bioxegy continues to win over more and more companies, both in France and abroad. We now collaborate with prestigious industrial partners such as L'Oréal, Suez, Lacroix Défense, Groupe Roullier, Wienerberger and Citeo ! 🚀
This expansion is increasing particularly in Germany where our teams are reinforcing their presence with more and more ambitious projects! Our first step is to meet these partners at major trade shows such as IAA and Innotrans, for example . 🇩🇪
It does not stop there: collaborations with clients like Yamaha from Japan 🇯🇵 testify to our ability to deploy innovative projects that are adapted to specific challenges of each market. 🗾
Do you want to collaborate on a bio-inspired R&D project with us?
➡️ Contact us ⬅️
🌏Recruiting to support our growth !
To support our ambitions and respond to the increasing need for bio-inspired innovation, Bioxegy continues to expand its teams. 💪

Recently, three new (and brilliant) engineers, Julie, Clémence and Rémi have joined our science department. Their goal is identical to our primary mission: learn from nature’s enginuity and transform these discoveries into impactful industrial innovations! 🔬
We are also reinforcing our marketing and communications department with two new recruits, Eva and Kiara. Their mission? Increase Bioxegy’s visibility and refine our offers to better meet our client’s technical challenges. 📊
And the cherry on top? 🍒 48% of our team is made up of women, a wonderful step forward for our company (especially in an originally very male-dominated engineering sector) ! ⚖️
Do you want to join a dynamic team and contribute the our future endeavors ?
🛠️ Boosting our bio-inspired technologies !
At Bioxegy, we are bursting with ambition! We have stepped up the development of our bio-inspired technologies, created entirely in-house, with a clear goal: to bring our concepts to maturity and respond in a new way to today’s challenges.💡
Our mission is clear: to register patents and offer licenses to our partners, while affirming Bioxegy’s reputation as an inventor and developer of innovative technologies. 🧠
But that’s not all! We also plan on marketing the products directly, in collaboration with manufacturers, with the potential of spin-offs dedicated to these innovative technologies.🔧
🖥️ Bioxegy is going into turbo mode with its cutting-edge tools !

As part of our R&D projects, we are using Dassault’s 3D Experience suite more and more to carry out our mechanical, fluid dynamics and thermal simulations, thereby raising the quality and accuracy of our solutions.
Combined with Synera, we can offer our industrial partners even more cutting-edge, high-performance bio-inspired solutions! 🔥
To complete our arsenal of tools, we have integrated AI and automation tools like Make, allowing us to improve the efficiency of our internal processes, from scientific research to administrative and sales management.⏱️

As you know… RATP, Paris and its regional urban transport operator manages a vast underground network where air renewal, for both staff and passengers, is a crucial issue. This is where Bioxegy comes in, working on improving the system’s ventilation system to ensure better air circulation. 🌬️
One of the areas of improvement identified concerns smoke extraction fans, which are essential for evacuating air but not often used due to the noise that they generate, especially when close to inhabited areas. That’s where our bio-inspired expertise came into play !💡
Humpback whales are marine mammals with flippers equipped with tubercules at the leading edge. These create vortices that control the flow of the water, increasing lift and thus hydrodynamic efficiency. These characteristics make the humpback whale very agile and unobtrusive despite their size. 🐋

Taking this principle and transposing it to the design of a fan, we came up with the idea of adding tubercules to the leading edges of the RATP’s fans. Our aim is to significantly reduce noise pollution all the while improving aerodynamic efficiency. Advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations demonstrated an impressive airflow improvements of up to 5% at constant speed! 🔊
Do you also wish to find solutions to your problems using bio-inspired technologies ? No matter your sector, Bioxegy can boost your R&D !
LET’S LEARN FROM IT: The Eiffel Tower, a bio-inspired masterpiece!

With the Paris 2024 Olympics now behind us, the Eiffel Tower has once again shone under the world’s spotlight. An iconic symbol of France, it is admired for its grandeur and imposing structure. However, few people know that this icon is also a feat of bio-inspired architecture, directly influenced by… the human femur ! 🤯
When designing the Tower, Gustave Eiffel wanted a structure that was both light and incredibly stable.
To achieve this, he drew inspiration from the femur, the longest bone in the human body, which distributes weight and forces optimally yet is very light.💡

TLike the femur, the Eiffel Tower distributes weight and forces very efficiently. The metal pillars and beams of which it is composed, function like the bone trabeculae of the femur, which are oriented in the direction of the lines of mechanical force to which the bone is subjected. This enables the tower to withstand strong winds and remain stable despite its height of 324 meters. 🏗️
To this day, this architectural feat continues to influence engineers and architects all over the world. The Eiffel Tower, which has stood the test of time and technological revolutions, remains an enduring testament to the effectiveness of biomimicry in modern engineering!✨
Votre entreprise innove ? Osez le biomimétisme avec Bioxegy !