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Top 10 of Bioxegy's success stories since its funding !

Updated: May 9, 2023

Bioxegy celebrates its 5th anniversary! This is the opportunity to look back on the greatest successes and milestones achieved in the development of our start-up!

The creation of Bioxegy, a start-up that became a pioneer in biomimicry

Bioxegy is the story of a friendship. In the summer of 2017, Simon De Myttenaere introduced Sidney Rostan to biomimicry. Convinced that an expert player was needed to make the promises of bio-inspired R&D a reality, the latter launched Bioxegy in January 2018, initially as a micro-company. 🌱

Bioxegy gradually builds a business model, evolves, lands its first client, and Sidney proposes to Simon to join him in this adventure. It's done in September 2018! The two companions then decide together to move up a gear: Bioxegy Group, our parent company, is created in November 2018. 🌿

In January 2019, it is Bioxegy SAS' turn to be created. Our design office, a pioneer in innovation through biomimicry, is born and begins its development.

Simon & Sidney, our two founders

The first Bioxegy teams: our bioxonauts and biopulsers

In the spring of 2019, Bioxegy welcomes its first "biopulsers" (internal jargon for interns with us)!

In January 2020, Elsa Vizier, now our scientific director, joins us and becomes our first bioxonaut (again, internal jargon for permanent staff at Bioxegy) in August 2020 🎉

Gradually, the Bioxegy family is growing: from 2 people in 2018, we are going to 6 in 2019, 10 in 2020, 15 in 2021, 20 in 2022.

We even surpass the 10 bioxonauts mark 🧑‍🚀! But it is more beautiful to see in pictures ...

The development and structuring of Bioxegy

As of September 2019, the company is structured into five business units:

  • Knowledge Center (in-house knowledge and skills, network of academic experts),

  • Delivery (innovation projects with industry),

  • Business Development,

  • Transversal Functions and

  • Communication.

Our internal structure in activities

Our biological and biomimetic database (BDDBB) is born. This database grows, expands and enriches both in terms of content and connection. Today, it is rich of several thousands of information coming from all over the world! 🕸️

The creation and development of our Phased methodology

To answer the complex problems of industrial partners thanks to biomimicry, we have developed a tailor-made methodology, from Phase 0 to Phase 4:

  • Phase 0 - Seed and Ideation: to identify more precisely the most promising innovation topics correlated to the R&D needs of our partner. 🌱

  • Phase 1 - Biomimetic pre-study: investigation, analysis and selection of the most relevant leads and pre-concepts for our R&D partner. 🕸️

  • Phase 2 - Biomimetic research and design study: maturation of the selected pre-concept(s) to design a mature concept and a development roadmap ⚙️

  • Phase 3 - Development and Proof-of-Concept (POC): operational validation and maturation of the concept. 🧪

  • Phase 4 - Design and industrialization iterations: development and deployment of the innovation at industrial scale. 🏭

This phased structure allows us to select the most relevant innovation solutions in a funnel-like fashion and to progressively increase their maturity.

Bioxegy's simpliefied Phased methodology

Bioxegy's growth and development

In 2020, our turnover will exceed 200k€! This is a first milestone, which allows us to confirm our business model and the potential of bio-inspired engineering and R&D!

In 2022, our turnover reaches more than 0,5M€... and our full order book for the first half of 2023 propels us straight to the Million in 2023 🤞🏻

CA réalisé et prévisionnel

Recognition of Bioxegy's R&D and innovation potential by our industrial partners

Beyond the classic projects that punctuate our daily lives, Bioxegy sometimes enters the arena of innovation competitions organized by large groups or institutions.

In 2019, Bioxegy won the RATP innovation award for our work on air quality. This offers us a quality showcase and an invitation to the VivaTech exhibition, on the very booth of this regional flagship! 🐋

In 2022, Bioxegy wins the Coup de Coeur prize in the "O2 content in gas" call for projects led by GRTgaz's Open Innovation Factory. 💚

Bioxegy also wins tenders, first with Air217 in 2021, then with RTE and Naval Group in 2022 and finally in 2023 with Alstom (this article was written in January 2023 😉 !)

And we don't stop there, as you can see with the projects already realized (well those we are allowed to talk about 🤫) all sectors of activity combined.

Bioxegy at Vivatech 2022

Les distinctions de Bioxegy

In 2019, after Simon's performance on the 697IA stage, Bioxegy just created receives the national award for industrial innovation from Agnès Pannier-Runacher, at the time Minister of Industry 🏆 !

In 2020, Bioxegy is also named in the Top 5 most promising global biomimicry startups by StartUsInsight. 🎉

In 2021, Bioxegy is finally named in the 35 most promising Greentech startups in France. 🎊

National industrial innovation award given by Agnès PANNIER-RUNACHER

Government recognition of the quality of our R&D and innovation

In 2021, Bioxegy received CIR (Research Tax Credit) approval, a guarantee of quality from the Ministry of Research and Higher Education. This is both proof that we are able to conduct R&D or innovation projects and a financial advantage for our industrial partners who obtain a tax credit equal to 30% of the total amount of projects carried out with Bioxegy. 🤑

In 2022, Bioxegy receives the status of JEI (Young Innovative Company), extremely difficult to obtain in France, awarded to the most cutting-edge national R&D start-ups and SMEs! 🎢

Our team working on R&D topics

The first public funding to develop our own projects

In 2022, Bioxegy receives its first public funding from the European Union, BPI France and the Ile de France region.

  • Bioxegy is integrated in a 4-year project on biomineralization 🪨 within a consortium of 10 European universities and start-ups. This project is funded by the European Union in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The objective is to use biomimicry to develop an eco-material with a negative carbon footprint 🍂.

  • In parallel, Bioxegy is conducting a feasibility study for a concept developed in-house. This project is funded by BPI France and the Ile-de-France region as part of the Innov'up scheme.

  • For 2023, Bioxegy is in the running for new European and national funding on road resilience and for its export to other European countries!

Research partners at the launch of CSTO2NE with Bioxegy th EU !

The recognition of our innovation in the press and on social networks

Bioxegy makes headlines 🗞️ ! Article in Les Echos, Les Echos Planète, La Tribune, France Info, La Croix

We also intervene in the form of articles 📰, interviews 🎤 or webinars 📢 in more specialized contents such as Techniques de l’Ingénieur (with a bonus webinaire), l’Usine Nouvelle, le Think Tank Institut Sapiens et Infociments.

Television 📺 is not to be outdone as we do a bi-monthly column on BSmart there, on the SmartTech show. Our engineers take turns presenting a different biomimetic innovation each time. And we are far from seeing the end of it!

Sidney has also appeared on BFMTV (Tech&Co show), France 3, UshuaiaTV and on the Charabia show on Youtube.

As if that wasn't enough, our teams have also presented two TEDx in 2022 (Margaux DIDI et Sidney ROSTAN) and two conferences for the Fête de la Science à la cité des Sciences et de l’industrie in 2020.

To top it all off, on the occasion of our 5th anniversary, Marc Valès, Director of Space Programs at Dassault Aviation, confirms the interest of biomimicry made in Bioxegy 🤩 :

“It's sometime useful to win several million years in experience just by looking and understanding nature's technological prodigies.”

And you may have forgotten them, but they will come back soon: our podcast and our newsletter (inscription is on the bottom of this page !) allow us to animate a beautiful community more and more passionate !

In five years of existence, there has been beautiful successes ... But it would be forgetting that many things are on their way ! In perspectives,

  • lots of innovation 💡 and R&D ⚙️ projects,

  • development of new technologies internally 🧪,

  • a great growth path 📈

  • and always more learning 📚, discoveries 🔍 : a lot to amaze you ! ✨

In order not to miss anything in the months and years to come, follow us on LinkedIn, we talk about everything !


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