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Your expert in biomimicry.

Design and develop technologies inspired by nature's most ingenious know-hows,
thanks to our biomimetic engineers.


Boost your R&D
thanks to biomimicry.

Biomimicry provides sophisticated and effective solutions to your technical challenges and ambitions.

Bioxegy imagines, designs and develops
intelligent and sustainable bio-inspired technologies to meet your innovation objectives.

We deliver an impactful and proven expertise in biomimicry.

Working alongside your R&D and innovation teams, our biomimetic engineers draw inspiration from nature's most ingenious mechanisms, properties and functions.

Bioxegy is one of the international pioneers of this powerful and promising engineering field.


Working alongside your R&D and innovation teams, our biomimetic engineers draw inspiration from nature's most ingenious mechanisms, properties and functions.

Bioxegy is one of the international pioneers of this powerful and promising engineering field.


Working alongside your R&D and innovation teams, our biomimetic engineers draw inspiration from nature's most ingenious mechanisms, properties and functions.

Bioxegy is one of the international pioneers of this powerful and promising engineering field.

Les apports du biomimétisme dans l'énergie sont très variés et concernent les domaines suivants :

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Sciences des matériaux

Nicolas Héron
R&I Senior Program Manager

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NVH | Acoustique

  • Absorption acoustique et vibrations (NVH)

  • Isolation acoustique

  • Contrôle des vibrations

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Sciences thermiques

  • Optimisation des échanges thermiques

  • Isolation thermique

  • Optimisation thermique des composants

  • Anti-icing

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Mécanique des


  • Lightweight Design

  • Absorption des chocs

  • Résistance mécanique

  • Conception modulaire & Assemblage

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Nicolas Héron
R&I Senior Program Manager

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Mécanique des fluides

  • Aérodynamisme

  • Hydrodynamisme

  • Pertes de charge

  • Valves, pompes, tuyaux

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Gestion et optimisation des flux

  • Interconnexions et réseaux

  • Détection et contrôle

  • Stockage

  • Maintenance prédictive

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  • Captation de CO2

  • Biocarburants

  • Hydrogène

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