a major asset for
tomorrow's mobility
An economic powerhouse, the automotive industry is at a crossroad. While it provides more than 80% of passenger transport, it must watch its environmental footprint: it represents 16% of global CO2 emissions.
The automotive industry is as old as it is contemporary. It occupies a central place in our daily lives and our economies, as it participates in defining the mobility of goods and people. But today, all players in the industry are facing unprecedented challenges.
Confronted to ever more drastic environmental regulations, they must compete with ingenuity to remain competitive, offering innovative and attractive products from all points of view. A quest for the future that has become ever more exacerbated since the health crisis in 2020.
Autonomy of the car and on-board systems, new propulsion systems, reduced vehicle fuel consumption, new forms of mobility, multimodality, comfort and safety, ... :
how to reconcile progress and technological sustainability?
Biomimicry and the automative industry:
As a specialist in the field, Bioxegy explains how biomimicry is a prime technological answer to tomorrow's mobiblity
Lightweight design, structures and shapes, materials, acoustic, tribology, aerodynamics, lightning, detection and autonomy, propulsion and motorisation :
There are many technical challenges in the automotive industry. Thanks to biomimicry, what new R&D perspectives are there?
Mobile, skilful and fast in adaptive and often constrained environments, nature has sharpened a number of functions and principles that are particularly interesting for manufacturers in the automotive industry. Whether direct or abstract, living concepts are a breeding ground for intelligent solutions to shape future automotive technologies.
Bioxegy, French expert in biomimicry, provides you with its analyses to explain how bio-inspired R&D is a major asset in terms of innovation.
Below, is a batch of particularly relevant biomimetic perspectives.
In the automotive industry, biomimetic areas of interest apply
to the following issues:
Functional Materials,
Light Structures,
Lightweight Design
Vibrations (NVH)
Heat Resistance
Design of Systems
(industrial design)
Miscellaneous Areas:
Colors, Aesthetics,
Comfort, ...