Biomimicry & Luxury:
a marriage of convenience
Balancing between respect for tradition and modernity: that's the challenge of luxury industry. To stay up to date, brands in the sector must find the right recipes to subtly go beyond their achievements and adapt to new trends.
The market of luxury sector is upside down: the age of customers is decreasing, and the center of gravity of consumption is shifting towards Asia.
The trends are clear: the consumer's desire for more naturalness, an increase in local and transparent manufacturing and sourcing objectives, social and environmental responsibility going beyond the stage of greenwashing, simplification of the product range, use of emerging and innovative technologies, and increasing personalisation.
More reactive and less processed, new players are showing themselves to be very responsive to the evolution of these needs, while being equipped with evolving and up-to-date marketing.
To attract the clientele and to persist in the face of the emergence of new models, the luxury sector can no longer settle for recycling the usual properties of products or rely solely on the digitisation of its sales cycle.
New horizons for innovation must be found.
Biomimicry and luxury :
With its experience in the sector, Bioxegy reveals how biomimicry can concretely help to meet future challenges.
The technical challenges are numerous: the consumer still expects as much durability and reliability, particularly for accessories such as watches, jewelery and bags: fasteners, fixings and mechanisms are the main concern.
Obviously, the cross-cutting trend is above all sustainability. It gives pride of place to the development of materials and manufacturing processes. The objective is two-fold: eco-design of products (textiles, leather, packaging) and functionality: ergonomics, aesthetics and resistance (to abrasion for example).
How to innovate and progress on these topics? How to communicate effectively with your audience? Biomimicry is an undeniable guarantee of success.

Because it must ensure the survival of millions of species in constrained environments, nature must find solutions and approaches combining liveliness and resistance, while ensuring parsimony and finesse of principle. The result is an elegance and intelligence that commands respect.
An unprecedented know-how which constitutes a model of choice for luxury players, who are distinguished precisely by the will to ensure delicacy, lightness and durability of their products.
As a design and engineering office specialist in biomimicry in Europe, Bioxegy now contributes daily to the development of biomimicry in the luxury sector, by launching numerous bio-inspired innovation projects alongside its partners.
Below, discover a selection of areas of relevance of biomimicry in luxury.
In the luxury industry, biomimetic areas of interest apply
to the following issues:

Light, Resistant and Functional Materials
Vibrations (NVH)
Waterproofing and
Fasteners, Junctions
and Adhesion
Actuations and
Aesthetics, Colors, Optics and
Ergonomics (+ Design)
Miscellaneous Domains :
Green Chemistry
Biomimicry and luxury:
list of relevant axes and application subjects
Testimonials & Projects
Biomimicry & aerodynamics:
A commonplace
Biomimicry & NVH: improve noise and vibration mitigation technologies
Biomimicry, structures and materials : the winning bet of lightweight design
Biomimicry & tribology:
a promising technological duo
Biomimicry, sensing and information processing: shaping the embedded systems of the future
Biomimicry to cope to the elements (abrasion, erosion, oxidation)