Our conferences on biomimicry
Discover life's ingenuity!

Boost your R&D
thanks to biomimicry.
In a world in search of simple and sustainable solutions, biomimicry is emerging as a new innovative research approach offering perspectives in all sectors. Drawing inspiration from the ingenuity of nature to solve complex challenges faced by manufacturers is our job!
It is with this in mind that Bioxegy offers conferences on biomimicry designed for professionals, students or the general public! We offer a moment of discovery, curiosity, intellectual creativity and astonishment in the face of biological prowess by sharing our expertise in this discipline while looking ahead to your challenges and industrial issues.
The formats of our conferences

Bioxegy offers several corporate intervention formats: round table, one-man-show conference, or even a dinner conference .
Each intervention lasts between 1 to 2 hour(s) and is made up of 4 parts:
1. A general presentation on biomimicry (10-20 mins)
Presentation of biological prowess;
​The history of biomimicry, its concept and basic principles;
The resulting explosion in the number of scientific publications and bio-inspired patents.
2. A presentation of our start-up Bioxegy (10 mins) - OPTIONAL
Why did you create a start-up specialising in biomimicry? ;
Feedback from our founders Sidney and Simon on this adventure;
Bioxegy, an internationally recognised design and engineering firm.
3. Examples of concrete application cases (20-40 mins)
Emblematic examples of biomimicry;
Examples adapted to the technical challenges encountered by your company/school;
​Projects led and completed by Bioxegy.
4. An interactive question/answer session (15-45 mins)
To answer your questions;
​Or simply to feed your curiosity!
The aim of our conferences is to convey sufficient knowledge of bio-inspired innovation to grasp its strategic interests while offering a moment of discovery and intellectual creativity. This is an opportunity to experience a new way of innovating that can be applied to all industrial sectors and all types of technical issues!
The public of our conferences
The benefits of a conference on biomimicry in business
Biomimicry has the capacity to boost innovation in many industrial sectors , including the most polluting sectors such as energy, transport, construction and agriculture. Bioxegy is inspired by the ingenuity of life to rethink systems, mechanisms, functions or components with a view to improving their performance, sobriety and durability .
And this applies to many technical fields like materials science (mechanical compression, lightweight design, etc.), noise and vibration management, aero/hydrodynamics (pumps, valves, etc.), tribology (friction, abrasion, etc.), thermo-regulation (conduction, convection, etc.), optics and many others!
During our conferences on biomimicry we explore the different technical fields linked to the company's activity to awaken your intellectual curiosity and best project yourself into the approach of biomimicry as a research & development (R&D) method in partnership with Bioxegy.

Pedagogy to awaken students’ curiosity
Biomimicry is an opportunity for schools and teachers wishing to nurture the curiosity and critical thinking of their students. This research approach can awaken vocations while generating interest in science, technology and ecology!
In more detail, Bioxegy intervenes with students during our conferences to introduce them to biomimicry and to explain how to carry out an innovation project thanks to it, all while also placing emphasis on the entrepreneurial adventure of Sidney and Simon, the founders of Bioxegy.
Biomimicry is a way of learning while using the ingenuity of living things as a support to respond to industrial challenges. This approach interconnects disciplines and shows students how biological concepts enable innovation in the industrial environment.
Discover conferences presented by Bioxegy
Discover the concept of biomimicry:
Sidney ROSTAN, founder and director of Bioxegy, spoke at TEDxSACLAY to explain the very concept of biomimicry. How does nature innovate? In what way? Discover how nature inspires the innovations of the future!
Biomimicry: A tool to draw inspiration from living things
Margaux DIDI, engineer and project director at Bioxegy, gives us her scientific point of view at TEDxAgroParisTech on the inspiration of living things. How does nature manage to be effective and efficient on a daily basis?
The essence of Bioxegy's business is to democratise biomimicry and deploy bio-inspired innovation projects to respond to industrial challenges. Over time, we have been able to develop real educational expertise to adapt to the different industrial challenges of our partners.
Our conferences are intended to be accessible to anyone who is not familiar with biomimicry. We adapt our speeches to the participants in order to successfully convey the full potential of the mechanisms, functions and structures of life for the industry and the academic world.