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 Our scientific network 

Bioxegy orchestrates and activates a set of
biomimetic skills, unique in Europe.


Biomimicry can lead to particularly ambitious R&D projects. Depending on the projects, to ensure an irreproachable quality of development, Bioxegy reinforces its organisation by orchestrating and deploying cutting-edge scientific expertise.

A rich and proven universe of skills at the service of bio-inspired R&D

Bioxegy leads a powerful network of trained researchers - or confirmed experts - in biomimicry. They are biologists, chemists, computer scientists, specialists in materials science or fluid mechanics, aero-acousticians, neuroscientists, ...


To find out more about our partner research entities


Institut Photovoltaïque d'Île-de-France (IPVF)

A summit involving a  collaboration with the leader in French solar energy research


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)

A major partnership for bio-inspired innovation

To learn more about our Partner Expert Network


Portrait of researcher: Claude Grison

Research Director at the UMR Bio-inspired Chemistry and Ecological Innovations and Scientific Director of the company BioInspir

AUKAULOO Ally-00086519.jpeg

Portrait of researcher:
Ally Aukauloo

Professor of chemistry at Paris-Saclay University, Scientific Advisor at CEA and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France

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