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  • Biomimicry: Top 5 emblematic technologies

    Biomimicry is an innovation method that has already had resounding success during its history. We invite you here to review the five most emblematic examples which have contributed to making biomimicry known as a successful method of innovation to the general public. The first emblematic example of biomimicry: Velcro Velcro, a very famous technology Velcro is arguably the most famous example of biomimicry. It is a closing system with a simple mechanics: on one side a surface on which are arranged hundreds of small hooks, on the other surface hundreds of small curls cover it. When the two surfaces are pressed together, the hooks grip the loops and form a reliable, reversible and solid closure system. It is a system that has the advantage of being able to be undone quite easily if sufficient force is exerted, while being perfectly reusable. Depending on the materials used for the hooks and loops, Velcro is capable of withstanding impressive forces: did you know that a square of 5 centimeters of Velcro side is capable of supporting 80kg! These properties have given Velcro a wide variety of applications, ranging from school sneakers to NASA shuttles! Burdock: the biological inspiration behind Velcro Velcro is an exemplary case of biomimicry as it relies on the burdock dissemination technique, a common plant on the countryside. The fruit of burdock, which contains its valuable seeds, is covered with small hooks. When passing furry animals, burdock fruits cling to their fur and are thus disseminated at distances of several tens of kilometers: an ingenious way for an immobile plant to conquer new territories by exploiting the mobility of animals! This dissemination strategy is called zoochory, and was directly at the origin of the invention of Velcro through biomimicry. How and by whom was Velcro invented? In 1941, the Swiss engineer George de Mestral returns from a hunting trip. His dog, Milka, who spent her morning hanging out in the brush, has her hair densely covered in burdock fruit. Removing them one by one requires George de Mestral a lot of patience. He had all the time to observe the operation of those tenacious little fruits. Out of curiosity, he analyses some of them under the microscope and notices that their hooks are deformable and return to their initial position when plucking them from the hairs. That's how he got the idea to make a quick closing system, which will become one of the most emblematic examples of biomimicry! The second key example: the Shinkansen The Shinkansen, an aerodynamic Japanese train The Shinkansen, famous Japanese train, forerunner high-speed lines, is undoubtedly the second most emblematic example of biomimicry. Circulating at more than 300 km/h, it is one of the most reliable trains in the world. On the island of Honshū, it connects the districts of the Tokyo agglomeration (the most populated city in the world with its 37 million inhabitants), to the cities of Nagoya and Osaka in a very dense urban continuum and more importantly, in a very rugged geological environment. The route of the Shinkansen lines therefore includes many tunnels to cross cities and mountains. However, it turns out that every time it entered a tunnel at high speed, the Shinkansen generated a shock wave causing significant noise pollution. However, in the context of very strong urbanisation of the Japanese population since the end of the Second World War, the problems of noise pollution have become increasingly important over time. Since the 1980s, it became essential to find a solution to the noise pollution of the Shinkansen in such a densely populated area. The kingfisher, the origin of the optimisation of the Shinkansen The kingfishers (Alcedinidae family) are birds found on all continents except Antarctica. They are specialised in stalking fishing: they spend much of their time perched above shallow water and dip their beaks forward to grab small fish that venture close to the surface. A true concentrate of technologies, the kingfisher has, among many other things, an eye capable of correcting chromatic aberrations caused by light reflecting in the water. This allows him to see very clearly what is happening below the surface when we only see a reflection of the sky. However, what allowed the Japanese engineers to solve their problem is the shape of its beak. Indeed, when they split the surface of the water, these small birds manage to generate almost no splash, which allows them to reach prey more than twenty centimeters from the surface with greater speed and discretion. In calm weather, when the water surface is smooth, their hit rate is 100%. The secret of this hydrodynamics lies in the shape of its beak: long, thin, spearheaded, and streamlined in perfect continuity with the shape of his skull. It is this mouthpiece which, through biomimicry, enabled the Shinkansen engineers to solve the problem of noise pollution. In particular, Eiji Nakatsu, railway engineer who worked on the Shinkansen project, is behind this biomimicry innovation. Also an ornithologist, he had observed the kingfisher in fishing action. He noticed that the Shinkansen and the kingfisher shared similar constraints: the bird's beak, like the front of the train, suddenly encounters strong resistance. By using biomimicry, he was inspired by the shape of the beak of the kingfisher, to redesign a new nose for the Shinkansen. And the models he made confirm that this option was the right one. When it entered service in 1997, the Kingfisher-inspired Shinkansen 500 offered: A reduction in the boom at the entrance to the tunnels and a quieter running in general; A 15% reduction in power consumption; A 10% speed increase. This is an iconic example of biomimicry. It highlights one of the essential components of innovation in general, and of biomimicry in particular: multidisciplinarity. It's because Eiji Nakatsu was both an engineer and an ornithologist that he managed to transpose what he observed into an industrially applicable solution through biomimicry. The lotus' hydrophobia: one of the best-known examples of biomimicry The Lotus The sacred lotus is a water flower prevalent in a large majority of Asia. Lotuses live in colonies in shallow water. They often create a rich ecosystem of amphibians, birds and insects: their large leaves form a carpet on the surface of the water on which many organisms move by depositing solid bodies (mud, excrement, particles, etc.). However, the lotus depends on the photosynthesis of its leaves to survive. If particles prevent light from reaching the surface of its leaves, or limit it in places, it will result in a lower energy performance. Evolution led the lotus to develop an elaborate technique to optimise its energy performance: superhydrophobia. The principle is simple: the lotus leaf's surface structure prevents adhesion of particles and water, the slightest drop of water carries with it all the dirt on the surface of the leaf. Thus, the lotus leaf surface is self-cleaning. It is this feature that has inspired many innovations within biomimicry. The lotus effect: what is it? The lotus' superhydrophobia has been known for centuries but could only be explained with the invention of the electron microscope, it was only once it was understood that it could be at the origin of innovations by biomimicry. In the 1970s, the German botanist Wilhelm Barthlott solved the mystery. This is explained by villi on the surface of the leaf, themselves covered with micro-villi. This double villi structure creates a nano-scale roughness which creates very few contact points between the drops of water and the leaf and the drop “slides” over the surface, carrying with it all the micro-particles of dust or dirt. It is this nanometric structure that has inspired numerous biomimetic applications. Hydrophobia on lotus leaves versus water lily leaves This discovery de Wilhelm Barthlott gave birth to industrial applications as of the 1990s. Applications can be found in many sectors: self-cleaning paints for facades in construction, coatings for hydrophobic glass, superhydrophobic textiles and synthetic leathers, etc. Recently, solar panels reproducing this particular nanometric structure of the lotus, have been developped to obtain the self-cleaning hydrophobic effect and, like the lotus leaf, to optimise their capture of solar energy. Since the discovery of the lotus effect, we have noticed that many other plants have similar properties such as nasturtium or… leek! Shark skin: the 4th leading example of biomimicry Sharks: a rich biological organism for biomimicry Sharks have colonised all the seas and oceans of the globe. There are about 500 different species. There are many reasons for this evolutionary success. Their highly developped olfactory system allows them to spot their prey from great distances underwater. In addition to this sense of smell, they are equipped with sensory organs called “Ampullae of Lorenzini” that allow them to detect electromagnetic fields present in water as well as temperature gradients. They are thus able to spot a muscle contraction and therefore locate their prey. But there's another characteristic of sharks that gave them an advantage: their ability to move easily in water. While not all sharks actually have a hydrodynamic shape, they do have an amazing feature that allows them to greatly increase their ability to move through water with little energy expenditure: the structure of their skin. The hydrodynamics of shark skin Unexpectedly, the shark skin is very rough to the touch. Contrary to our intuition, hydrodynamics are not optimised by a perfectly smooth surface. On the contrary ! Shark skin is actually made up of a myriad of small scales which are entangled. These small scales have the particularity of having micro-grooves on their surface, which generate a sort of “film” of water which limits friction of the shark's body with the fluid. This is called a flow control technique. This is what reduces friction and allows the shark to move at low energy cost. This amazing structure has spawned a wide variety of applications in hydro- and aerodynamics. Aeronautics, is no stranger to biomimicry, took advantage of this opportunity. The aircraft manufacturer Airbus was inspired by it to develop a coating for aircrafts intended to reduce fuel consumption. The tests were very conclusive and allowed to reduce drag by 10%: which would result in fuel savings of more than 1% ! It's colossal! In 2019, Airbus announced the upcoming commercialisation of this coating which is a very eloquent example of biomimicry. But that's not all! Biomimicry has found other applications for this amazing structure of the shark skin. The scale microstructure has a height to width ratio that prevents the attachment of microorganisms, and their overgrowth. An American company, Sharklet Technologies, was inspired by these micro-grooves to create a structurally antibacterial surface. Groove pattern and size (2 microns wide and 3 microns high) prevents bacteria colonies from adhering and colonising the surface. The applications of this technology are very promising in the medical sector: for example for dressings, adhesive films (to protect surfaces), catheters, etc. Depending on the type of surface, the proliferation of bacteria is reduced by 70 to 97%! Biomimicry made it possible to imagine other applications to this shark skin structure. For the creation of swimsuits, or the design of antifouling coatings for boat hulls. After a long stay in the water, micro-organisms develop on their hull (submerged part). These can increase the drag of a boat by 30% to 50%! Today the fairing is expensive and requires the use of harmful chemicals to clean the hull and repaint it. An antifouling structure inspired by shark skin could allow better efficiency with much more limited use of chemicals! Here is another example of biomimicry that shows the diversity of applications that can be inspired of a single characteristic of life! Gecko Skin: Latest Iconic Example of Biomimicry The Gecko Do you know about geckos? They are little nocturnal lizards that often surprise us on summer evenings behind the shutters of houses in the south of France. Big eyes, a stocky body, star-shaped paws with thick fingers, and always upside down. There are many species, spread out on all continents and with very different looks. Some have the ability to copy the shape of their support to camouflage themselves, a strategy called mimicry. But they all share a common characteristic: the amazing ability to be able to walk on any vertical or sloped surface as comfortably as we can on level ground. It is not uncommon to see them running along the walls or even on a window! Gecko's paw grip The secret to this ability lies in the structure of their legs. Or rather… the hairs of their paws. Indeed, the fingers of geckos are covered with very dense microscopic hairs: the setae. There are several thousand of them per mm². Each of these hairs is branched at its end into several other small even finer hairs. The density of hair leads to an interaction on the molecular level with the support on which the gecko evolves. This molecular interaction is called “Van der Waals force”. It is a low intensity electrical interaction between atoms that creates an adhesion between the setae and surface. Thanks to these millions of hairs, the gecko is able to walk on any surface. And it is this characteristic that biomimicry tries to exploit. These hairs were discovered in 2005! Since 2005, many biomimetic innovations took inspiration from this principle to look for solutions for reversible adhesion. For example miniature robots capable of climbing on glass, or Geckskin, a structural adhesive, stickable/peelable, without adhesive substance or chemicals, which holds only by the force of Van der Waals. The gecko is famous in biomimicry because of the significant amount of ongoing research that is inspired by the structure of its legs, and by the promising prospects offered by movement on any surface. In 2015, a Stanford researcher managed to climb a glass wall thanks to an assembly of adhesive plates inspired by the paws of the gecko. These 5 emblematic examples of biomimicry are the best known to the general public, and are invariably found in all popular publications on biomimicry. They are indeed eloquent, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, there are thousands of other bio-inspired technologies already developped, and many more to be invented! Biodiversity is an endless source of inspiration for innovation. Biomimicry is still very new in research and innovation methodology, which largely remains to be explored.

  • Natural sciences: a foundation for biomimicry

    Transdisciplinary approaches such as biomimicry are blurring the boundaries between the two conventional branches of natural science: physical science and life science. Natural sciences, what is it? Natural sciences: definition and context Science is etymologically defined as the sum of knowledge. But, what are natural sciences compared to other types of sciences? Three classifications are distinguished: the exact sciences, what is mathematics or theoretical physics, based on axioms and assumptions, the social sciences which study the behaviors and interactions of human beings, the natural sciences, which aim to study natural phenomena, such as chemistry, biology, or even experimental physics. Physical sciences and life sciences are natural sciences! The natural sciences are empirical and experimental sciences, which meet therefore to observations made on the living. We can then distinguish two branches of natural sciences: the life sciences and the physical sciences. On the one hand, the life sciences, similar to biology, aim to study living organisms at different scales: from molecular biology to the theory of evolution, including the anatomy of human beings for example. On the other hand, the physical sciences bring together different fields such as physics, chemistry, or astronomy. They aim to study non-living organisms, unlike the life sciences. As you will have understood, the border between the two branches of natural sciences is thin and sometimes the study of certain mechanisms, of certain behaviors cannot be placed in one of them in particular. For instance, biomimicry, if it were to be classified or owned, would at the convergence of these two branches. Indeed, as a study of the mechanisms and systems of the living world in order to apply it to technologies, within the framework of a method of innovation (biomimicry definition link), biomimicry takes the principles of life sciences and applies them to physical sciences. The history of natural sciences The definition and classification of sciences as we explained, is only a few years old. The history of natural sciences is obviously correlated with the evolution of civilizations and societies. Since the prehistoric era, man has defined and refined his tools empirically. These are the first traces of a scientific method in history, which is enriched throughout history. Previously, the boundaries between the different fields that may be mathematics, philosophy or physical sciences were much more blurred. One can think of great scholars of antiquity such as Eratosthenes, a great mathematician, astronomer, geographer to whom we owe in particular the first measurement of the circumference of the Earth. We can also mention Hippocrates, considered “the father of medicine”, who was also a renowned philosopher, author in particular of the theory of humors, at the crossroads between empirical medicine and philosophy. The analysis methods evolved, with a strong influence from ancient Greece and the Persian Empire. Various texts, in particular those of Aristotle, were only translated into Latin from the 12th century, and give birth to the first classifications of the natural sciences. Indeed, in the 13th century a Spanish philosopher named Gundissalinus defined the natural sciences as “sciences which study only concrete things capable of performing a movement”. These first definitions are gradually approaching what we know today, but the greatest developments in the natural sciences will come from the 17th century, with Isaac Newton which truly revolutionizes physics but also astronomy and optics. These numerous discoveries have allowed monumental advances, which have shaped the world as we know it today. Natural sciences: cross-border disciplines The different branches of the natural sciences include bordering disciplines, such as biophysics and the biomimicry, which overlaps the skills and attributes of the physical sciences and the life sciences. Biophysics, between physical sciences and life sciences Biophysics is an ideal example of multidisciplinary sciences, as it is at the interface of physics and biology. It can be defined primarily as the science that uses the approaches and methods of the physical sciences to study biological phenomena. Several universities are forerunners in this field, such as the University of Cambridge. At the end of the Second World War, it created a dedicated department, that notably led to the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1962, by crystallography in X-rays. We therefore understand that the separation of natural sciences into physical sciences and life sciences aims to categorize and specify the interest of each discipline, but that the links between these categories can lead to great discoveries. Thus we see the importance of pooling knowledge, across scientific disciplines, like biomimicry, capable of bringing technological innovations through the study of the living world. Natural science and biomimicry As you will have understood, natural sciences can be seen as a base for biomimicry, as this discipline is transverse to the physical sciences and the life sciences. Indeed, as an R&D approach that draws inspiration from the ingenuity of living mechanisms, functions and properties to innovate, biomimicry is by definition transdisciplinary. Biomimicry is the evidence that the interaction between sciences is effective and necessary. In fact, by combining the study of living beings and fluid mechanics for example, it is possible to design innovations to improve the aerodynamics of different elements, such as wind turbine blades which, that will, through biomimicry, be more efficient and profitable. (biomimicry and aerodynamics link). Similarly, life can be a very relevant source of inspiration in other areas such as thermoregulation of buildings, that is to say the management of air flow systems inside buildings to ensure the thermal comfort. Indeed, by taking inspiration from the fur of polar bears, it is possible to improve the thermal insulation of buildings, and therefore reduce their energy consumption (biomimicry and climate link). Conclusion Natural sciences have evolved and become more precise over the centuries, based on scientific and societal advances. The most recent developments are giving way to new transdisciplinary approaches, such as biomimicry. Sources: Defining Natural Sciences, Stephen F. Ledoux (2012) https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Natural_science https://www

  • The dromedary, our desert ally

    The dromedary is one of the animals best adapted to the desert. From head to toe through its hump, this makes it an ally of choice to accompany the man in the desert. Discover the incredible tricks of the dromedary to survive in the desert! Camel, who are you? Dromedary or camel? The scientific name of camel is camelus dromedarius. And yes, the dromedary is actually… a camel! More specifically, the dromedary, also called the Arabian camel, and the (Bactrian) camel are part of the same genus, but have differences that make them two distinct species. The most famous of these differences is of course their number of humps: if the camel has two, the dromedary is satisfied with a single hump. The dromedary indeed lives in the hot deserts, in the Sahara or Arabia, while the camel undergoes the cold winters of the Asian deserts, in Mongolia or China for example. It would therefore seem that from two bumps, representing two energy reserves, the dromedary has evolved into a simpler form with a single bump, sufficient and therefore more effective. Mark of this evolution, during its gestation the dromedary has two bumps which will merge before its birth! Just like between the horse and the donkey, a hybridization is possible between the dromedary and the camel: the hybrid is named Turkoman. Due to their distinct geographical areas, hybridization is only possible in farms. The camel family, the camelids, also includes llamas and guanacos, alpacas and vicuñas. These American cousins are also adapted to arid conditions, those of the Andes Cordillera rather than deserts. Famous “vessel of the desert” alongside man for millennia The dromedary is extremely well adapted to the desert. Its famous bump is a symbol of her adaptation. It is often thought of as a simple water supply, but the reality is more complex and much more interesting than that! The dromedary's hump is actually made up of fat, and therefore serves both as a water reserve and as an energy source. Water is not stored in liquid form directly, but can be recovered by the body when needed thanks to specific physiological reactions that do not exist in other animals. The dromedary can thus not drink for two weeks! On the other hand, when he finds a water point he is on the contrary able to drink in one go a quantity of water that would kill any other mammal... Furthermore, grouping all the fat together in a single bump rather than distributing it more evenly also has advantages in terms of thermoregulation: the absence of fat under its skin allows it to cool itself more effectively at night. The viable internal temperatures of the dromedary are also impressive: where we humans must always maintain our temperature around 37°C, it is normal for a dromedary to see its internal temperature vary from 34°C to 42°C. depending on the outside temperature. This 8°C amplitude allows it to save a lot of energy, a major asset for survival in the desert. Men made no mistake about it and very quickly sought to domesticate the dromedary, at least 3,000 years ago. The wild ancestor of the dromedary also disappeared following this domestication, unlike for example the wild guanaco which continues to exist alongside the domesticated llama. The dromedary renders many services to the men. Its most famous use is undoubtedly its participation in the caravans that have crisscrossed the Sahara since antiquity. Capable of carrying 140 kg and traveling 50 km a day in the desert, camels made these caravans the only efficient way to transport goods from one end of Africa to the other for a long time. The appearance of maritime trade, then the introduction of motor vehicles, of course diminished the importance, size and frequency of these caravans. However, the dromedary is still used as a pack animal and remains one of the most reliable means of transport in the Sahara. And that's not all ! Very versatile, and the only animal to survive in the desert, the dromedary offers many possibilities. Its meat and the milk of females provide a welcome food source in the desert. Its adaptation to the desert could also be used for military purposes, as during Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign for example. And still today, unexpected uses are emerging, such as itinerant camel-back libraries or its use for garbage collection. Finally, camels are also racing animals. Their name alone comes from the Greek dromeus, which means runner. Some breeds were selected more for their speed than their pack abilities, and large camel races continue to be held today, for example in the United Arab Emirates or Oman. These races are even listed on the intangible cultural heritage of Unesco. Camel and biomimicry Man's lifelong companion, the dromedary is our ally also indirectly thanks to the innovations it inspires us. The dromedary and its nose, a great thermoregulator To survive in the extreme heat conditions of the Sahara, the dromedary has sophisticated thermal regulation and water preservation systems. In addition to his bump, his respiratory system also plays an important role. It takes advantage of the low night temperatures to store water in the mucus of its nose. When day comes with its very high temperatures, this water cools the air it inspires by evaporation. Heat transfers are favored by the very large surface of its nasal canals. This operation has inspired the development of an air conditioning system for buildings in the desert which can reduce the indoor temperature by 5°C and increase the indoor humidity by 20% during the day. This system can be used for greenhouses in the desert and allow cultivation where it seems impossible. This is just an example among others of what biomimicry can do for agriculture! Camel's feet, or how not to get stuck in the sand Have you ever tried driving on sand? Not easy not to get bogged down… And what if biomimicry gave a boost to automotive ? The dromedary does not have hooves: its feet are more suited to loose sand than to surfaces that are too hard. Their concave shape, that is to say hollow inside, concentrates the sand towards the inside of the foot. This compacts the soft ground, making it easier to move and avoid sinking into it. Reproducing this concavity on tires makes it possible to design tires that are more efficient on sand and reduce the energy needed to advance in the desert. Camel nictitating membrane and sensor cleaning Faced with sandstorms, the dromedary must protect his eyes so as not to lose his sight. One of these protections is its nictitating eyelid. This third eyelid provides effective protection against sand, and ensures eye cleaning that saves tears, and therefore water. Bioxegy was inspired by this to design a camera cleaning system using 10 times less water than usual systems! More details on this project carried out with a major French automotive supplier here. Conclusion Thanks to its incredible adaptation to the desert, the dromedary has been able to make itself indispensable for men for millennia. And thanks to biomimicry, this long love story is far from over! Sources: https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Dromedary Camel's nose strategy : New innovative architectural application for desert buildings Camels and Fennec Foxes: A Case Study on Biologically Inspired Design of Sand Traction Systems

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  • Biomimicry for the future of innovation and R&D | Bioxegy

    Our scientific network Bioxegy orchestrates and activates a set of biomimetic skills, unique in Europe. Up In addition to its internal technical skills, Bioxegy also mobilises a real pool of biomimetic scientific skills in France and abroad. Biomimicry can lead to particularly ambitious R&D projects. Depending on the projects, to ensure an irreproachable quality of development, Bioxegy reinforces its organisation by orchestrating and deploying cutting-edge scientific expertise. We have mapped and built up an unprecendented network of scientific expertise in biomimicry. Our partnering laboratories and research centers are at the heart of the bio-inspired innovation projects that we conduct with our industrial customers. Their skills are precise and intervene in a targeted manner in our process of biomimetic innovation. We mobilise our scientific network during low-maturity technological projects or during testing and prototyping phases. A rich and proven universe of skills at the service of bio-inspired R&D Bioxegy leads a powerful network of trained researchers - or confirmed experts - in biomimicry. They are biologists, chemists, computer scientists, specialists in materials science or fluid mechanics, aero-acousticians, neuroscientists, ... Discover the testimonials of our experts To find out more about our partner research entities Institut Photovoltaïque d'Île-de-France (IPVF) A summit involving a collaboration with the leader in French solar energy research Discover Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) A major partnership for bio-inspired innovation Discover To learn more about our Partner Expert Network Portrait of researcher: Claude Grison Research Director at the UMR Bio-inspired Chemistry and Ecological Innovations and Scientific Director of the company BioInspir Discover Portrait of researcher: Ally Aukauloo Professor of chemistry at Paris-Saclay University, Scientific Advisor at CEA and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France Discover

  • Our Vision | Bioxegy

    Our vision Biomimicry, a bridge between technology and nature. Up Biomimicry , an R&D tool Welcome to Bioxegy , where the ingenuity of nature inspires sustainable technological innovations. We firmly believe that biomimicry is the ideal tool for reconciling humanity with nature , innovating in a constantly evolving world and developing sustainable technologies in the face of global challenges. Because it draws on the wisdom and intelligence of living know-how , biomimicry is the tool with the most potential to allow companies to imagine their future . The billions of years of R&D carried out by nature in a constrained environment, with limited resources, make it an effective, but also durable, and often very elegant tool. Bioxegy , reference in biomimicry Bioxegy is the central player in this biomimetic revolution . Our goal is to spread and systematise innovation through biomimicry . We bring biomimicry to life, taking it from a concept to the material world, and having a real and measurable impact. Our mission is to help all types of players that are ready to innovate with a strong environmental and social conscience . We are idealistic in our ambitions to reconcile technology and nature, but pragmatic in our approach. At Bioxegy , the ingenuity of nature becomes a source of tangible innovation . Our unique expertise is based on a harmonious fusion of technical and biological knowledge. We use the most modern tools, from our biomimetic database to cutting-edge simulation tools, supported by high-level academic and technical partnerships. To become our partner and make biomimicry a reality in your field, contact us! Contact us As a world reference in the integration of biomimicry into industry, our ambition goes beyond technical studies: we also develop our own first-rate biomimetic technologies , surpassing their conventional equivalents in performance and durability. Giving meaning to inventors and creators At Bioxegy, we give meaning to imagination, to design and technological development . We see our team as enlightened innovators, bridges between the shores of nature's wisdom and those of the challenges of the industrial world. ​ Our bioxonauts, the members of the Bioxegy team , come from diverse backgrounds and training, to work on projects in a wide variety of scientific, technical and industrial fields . Their skills, ranging from coding to biology , chemistry, fluid dynamics, thermal engineering, etc., can be fully expressed and meaningful in the projects we carry out for French and European manufacturers. If you think you share this vision, join us in our quest to bring to life a sustainable future, inspired by nature and shaped by human genius. Together, we can spread and systematise innovation through biomimicry , and make it a common and viable response to global challenges. Join us

  • Le biomimétisme pour penser l'innovation du futur | Bioxegy

    Biomimicry: Definition, issues, sectors and trends What is biomimicry? Officially, biomimicry is defined as technical imitation processes, compositions, forms or even interactions of different biological systems found in nature , from the biomolecular to the ecosystem scale. In essence, biomimicry relies on intelligence and the sobriety of biological principles for impactful design, sober and sustainable technologies. More broadly, we can sometimes use the notion of bio-inspiration which encompasses all sciences inspired by living organisms in the design of new systems. At Bioxegy , we use biomimicry as a R&D approach inspired by the ingenuity of the mechanisms, properties and functions of living things to innovate and shape efficient and sustainable technologies. Discover our profession Biomimicry's promise Biomimicry's pormise is to take advantage of the largest R&D laboratory: Nature . It offers us the most beautiful evidence: 3.8 billion years of innovation at your fingertips. Living things have had time to find appropriate and diversified solutions to respond to a wide range of challenges , and ensure the survival of several tens of millions of different species, in constrained environments. The result is a prodigious pool of ideas and sophisticated, optimised and sober approaches . An unprecedented opportunity to innovate and which is right before our eyes! The powerful industrial and scientific growth of biomimicry Bio-inspiration is not new, it is a research method that began to prove itself several decades ago! There are many very emblematic examples of biomimicry , we can cite the invention of velcro in the 1950s which is directly inspired by burdock seeds. But before that, Leonardo da Vinci did not wait for the formalisation of biomimicry to draw inspiration from nature for his inventions! However, it was only from the 1990s that interest in bio-inspired innovation exploded both in industry and in research , mainly thanks to Janine Benyus which formalised biomimicry. This American scientist founded the Biomimicry Institute in the United States in 2006 to further promote biomimicry. ​ Today, biomimicry is the subject of real international scientific craze . Competition is intense in the corridors of the most prestigious universities and research centers in the world, which are developing ever more promising expertise. The Da Vinci Index was even created to measure global activity of biomimicry, whether in terms of research articles or commercial applications, largely dominated by China. The latest highlight to date: the CNRS has included biomimicry as part of its strategic priorities for 2023. Discover the emblematic technologies Biomimicry: areas and levers of application The technological diversity of nature makes biomimicry a profoundly cross-disciplinary lever for innovation . From aeronautics to health, including construction, energy, IT and even luxury: biomimicry is an approach that can theoretically be applied to all sectors of activity. A true toolbox, bio-inspiration makes it possible to respond to precise technological challenges (problem solving), to carry out prospective work and aim for breakthrough innovation (new product introduction) but also to improve existing technologies via incremental innovation (re-engineering). ​ A single philosophy: get inspired of the wisdom of biological systems to innovate more intelligently . And this wisdom applies to almost every industry, you can browse examples by clicking the button below! Find out more about the application sectors Biomimicry: strong international enthusiasm Outside France, biomimicry is growing strongly. We can cite the example of NASA which set up the V.I.N.E network . to bring together researchers working in biomimicry by sharing analysis tools and initiating working groups. They even came up with a bio-inspired flying vehicle project to explore Venus' atmosphere! Staying in the space field, it is not just the Americans who are banking on biomimicry. Indeed, the ESA , the European Space Agency, initiated the BIOINSPACED project which consists of developing bio-inspired solutions to deorbit space debris . As you can see, the whole world is starting to turn towards nature to innovate , even in areas as complex as space. The promises and possibilities of biomimicry are so vast that we have only scratched the surface! This development is closely accompanied, biomimicry gives rise to research work standardisation by AFNOR (French Association for Standardisation) or the ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) in order to provide a framework for this growth. Bio-inspired atmospheric vehicle © Javid Bayandor Biomimicry: a profession of the future Engineers who work in biomimicry know how to understand the complexity of the world around us as a whole. Innovating with inspiration from nature means knowing how to break down the mechanisms of nature to better transpose them to human technologies! ​ At Bioxegy , our biomimetic engineers appeal to their wide range of skills ranging from mechanics to chemistry, including computer science, materials, and even biology . Everything is completed by an irreducible passion for how the world around them works and for innovation. This global understanding of societal issues and living organisms makes this profession one of the most complete in order to reconcile technical progress and sustainability , while drawing inspiration from the largest pool of adaptive mechanisms on the planet. However, there are still no studies specifically focused on biomimicry in France. Our engineers therefore come from different backgrounds and use their respective skills to make biomimicry an increasingly democratised R&D method! Discover the development of the profession of biomimetic engineer Biomimicry: decipher and draw inspiration from living things Nature is infinitely complex and orchestrates the lives of billions of organisms living in sophisticated and changing ecosystems. The mechanisms of evolution have therefore endowed species with many functions and techniques to face their daily lives and meet their physiological needs. The most obvious: to feed oneself, to defend oneself or to protect oneself, to move around, to communicate, to understand one's environment, etc. Nature therefore represents a sharp and varied know-how , materialised through the richness of our biodiversity: 1.8 million known species! Discover the profession of biomimetic engineer Bioxegy Biomimétisme TEDx Talks: Biomimicry and if nature inspired the innovations of the future? To learn more about Biomimicry and discover impactful examples, discover the conference by Sidney Rostan, founder and CEO of Bioxegy, during TEDxSaclay 2022 The Incredible Nature: Discover the first French podcast on biomimicry! Bioxegy is the French specialist in biomimicry. And if there's one thing our team loves to do, it's to share their passion for the ingenuity of living things. So we decided to create a great podcast on biomimicry, the first of its kind! Bio-inspired technologies, success stories, surprising anecdotes on certain species and meetings with researchers and entrepreneurs: discover the world of biomimicry! Discover the podcast

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