a revolution in the sector of
construction and real estate
In 2050, 65% of the world's population will live in cities. The increasing urbanisation of our societies is an unprecedented economic, health and environmental challenge: construction today represents 40% of energy consumption in the world. Consequently, all players in the sector must reinvent themselves and find innovative solutions for tomorrow's building.
Necessary increase in productivity, drastic reduction in polluting emissions, increase in energy efficiency, price war, continuous new legislation, environmental standards... construction stakeholders must continually reinvent themselves. However, they are subject to two major constraints: optimising their margins, satisfying the requirements of legislation and a clientele that is increasingly concerned about their quality of life.
All trades, ranging from structural and finishing work, construction, real estate development, to civil engineering and public work, must face significant structural changes.
Well-being, reconnection to biodiversity, integration into the landscape, modularity, pre-manufacturing, circularity of products, co-products and flows, communication between buildings, self-sufficiency, use of simple materials, recycling on construction sites, etc.: faced with these objectives and the many related challenges, one question remains: How can construction and real estate players combine progress and technological sustainability?
Construction and real estate: Bioxegy details how the approach can transform the construction sector and is positioned on several scales:
With real estate & urban planning players:
Bioxegy can both provide technical expertise with a view to drafting specifications (Architecture-Project Management & Programming), carry out Biomimetic Pre-studies with architects and DO (in response to RFT or outside), and carry out biomimetic building design studies with architects and DO (Project Owner Support)
With construction stakeholders:
Bioxegy can improve or design bio-inspired construction technologies and solutions, responding to numerous technical challenges (materials, structural resistance, tools on construction sites, etc.)

Why is our bio-inspired innovation methodology relevant in the construction sector?

Nature orchestrates the life of millions of species in varied ecosystems and under constraints.
Durable and resilient par excellence, it is a specialist in the design, construction and maintenance of homes. As a result, it was able to lead to a wide range of optimised principles and proven technical or operational approaches.
The biomimetic building is therefore, beyond its obvious technical and functional contributions, a gold mine for architects and builders, who could draw inspiration from ecosystems to think about the city (waste recovery, adaptation to climate change, reduction of heat islands), build faster, more sustainably while reducing costs.
From natural habitats like the termite mound, a real building the size of insects, to less obvious inspirations like the pine cone or blood circulation, there is no shortage of examples to draw on the genius of nature to design the bio-inspired building of tomorrow.
Bioxegy, a pioneering design office in biomimicry, provides you with details on the role of bio-inspired R&D as an exceptional innovation resource. Below is an overview of a functional and proven biomimetic city and construction solutions.
Biomimetic architecture has a bright future ahead of it.
Biomimicry provides significant answers to the challenges of the construction and real estate sector:

Functional and low carbon materials
Resistant and
light structures
Resilient and
adaptive networks
Management of
light and energy

and resistance to climatic events
Energy saving or generation
Acoustics and
Other cross-functional areas: